
Application Form

Our guide school is serious: We are committed to helping you reach your goals. By completing the following pre-application questionnaire you help us plan the best course for attending participants.

Please complete the pre-application form below to begin the enrollment process. Applications are processed in the order they are received. If your preferred session is filled, you will be placed on a waiting list for the next available session. We will contact you shortly after we receive your pre-application. Contact us if you have questions. 

Published for 2024-2025

upcoming courses

Cost & Dates

April 6th - April 12th FULL!

April 20th- April 26th

May 11th - May 17th

October 5th - October 11th

October 19th - October 25th


Basic Tuition Includes: 

  • Seven full days fly fishing instruction

  • Course materials

  • 7 lunches, 1 dinner

  • Diploma

  • Transportation during the course

Students provide their own fishing gear and Montana fishing license. Flies and tackle for the on-the-water sessions can be purchased throughout the course from Gallatin River Guides at a school discount.

Have Questions? Give Us A Call (406) 995-2290

* The school will not be closed for any holidays during class sessions

Payment and Cancellation


  • A deposit of 50% is required to hold your spot.

  • Final payment is due 30 days prior to the start of the course.

  • Deposits and/or final payment will not be refunded unless a replacement is found.

  • We accept checks, money orders, and major credit cards.

  • Please see Veteran Refund Policy in the School Catalog

Admission Requirements

The Montana Fishing Guide School is open to people 16 years of age and older. Every future student must complete an enrollment application prior to attending a course.


Students are required to attend and participate in all daily classes and ensure they are on time for class each morning. Students will not be allowed to have more than 1 unexcused absence per 1 week course. Students failing to meet this requirement will be withdrawn from the course. 


A numerical grade between 0 and 4 will be given during daily work evaluations.  Student’s will also receive a 0-4 grade for each completed project.  The daily work evaluations and project grades will be combined at the end of the course for the student’s overall grade.  A student must achieve a combined overall 3 or 4 in the training program to graduate. 

Numerical Level of performance

0= not proficient at task

1= start skill development

2=developing skill

3=progressing in skill development

4=proficient in skill


Student’s progress will be evaluated for satisfactory progress half-way through the course. If the student is unable to achieve an overall 3 average, the student will be withdrawn from the program.  The withdrawn student will be allowed to return within one year from the withdraw date and restart the program at the full tuition rate.

Standards and Conduct

Bad conduct will not be tolerated at The Montana Fishing Guide School. Students that are late for class or fail to show for class  unexcused will be considered in violation of the attendance policy and will be expelled from the school. The use of drugs or alcohol, disruptive or abusive  behavior will not be tolerated and any offending students will be expelled from the class. There will be no tolerance for any abuse or mistreatment of any fish or animal and the offending student will be immediately expelled from the course.

EQUAL OPPORTUNITY:  Montana Fishing Guide school is an equal opportunity school.  All persons interested in learning the art of professional guiding are welcome regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, sex or disability.